Neighbourhood Watch President reports incident-free hurricane passage

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Neighbourhood Watch President for the Mangrove Park, St Philip district, Michael Griffith, is reporting that there were no incidents in his neighbourhood, during the passage of Hurricane Beryl, yesterday, Monday, July 1, 2024.

Speaking to Loop yesterday, as he made his rounds through the neighbourhood, Griffith revealved that he had done initial preparations leading up to the hurricane’s passage.

“As Neighbourhood Watch President, I made sure to ask persons living alone how they they were preparing for the hurricane before the hurricane came, letting them know that I am on call 24/7, if they should need any further assistance.”

Griffith also disclosed that a 24/7 neighbourhood watch had been set up, for security and emergency purposes.

“We have a neighbourhood watch chat set up for security and emergency purposes. This chat room has been active for 6 years, from 2018 to the present. We have security/emergency teams of people who are always willing and ready to help in case they are needed. In addition we have a damage assessment officer living in our community who makes assessments by touring the neighbourhood immediately after any weather event.”

Griffith further disclosed that an assessment officer will be carrying out an assessment, today, Tuesday, July 2, to determine if anyone in the neighbourhood is in need.

“The assessment officer has already indicated via the chat that she will be carrying out an assessment in the neighbourhood tomorrow in case there is anyone in need. After the assessment has been completed, we will see what is needed to meet the needs of the community and respond appropriately.”

Griffith also vowed to work closely with government officials to ensure a safe and secure neighbourhood.

“We will continue to work closely with all associate government services to ensure a safe and secure neighbourhood.”

He added:

“God bless all the people living in Barbados and across the Caribbean.”

“Be good and be safe. Put Jesus first and he will take care you. Wherever you go and whatever you do, may you live long, and successful lives,” he also urged.