Local News

Companies to explore opportunities

16 March 2025
This content originally appeared on Barbados Nation News.

Three British companies will shortly be in Barbados to explore business opportunities in housing, alternative energy construction and business development.

These were among the immediate outcomes at the end of a productive meeting between the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, (BCC), and the Barbados team of Deputy High Commissioner Mackie Holder and Athelston “Tony” Sealey, special envoy for Inward Investment and Diaspora Engagement.

Additionally, several follow-up conversations are already underway with other businesses – the Legacy Centre of Excellence on cultural and vocation programmes and the renewed franchise Birmingham Panthers, which are playing in the United Kingdom Super League this year, on developing professional sporting links.

Holder said the tremendous response of Chamber members was another indication of the ongoing interest and confidence in the current trajectory of Barbados.

Noting that it was one of the most positive business sessions he had experienced, Holder said both Barbados and the High Commission stood to benefit immensely from the interaction, especially if the momentum could be sustained.

Representatives of two businesses are expected in the island in the next two to three weeks, when Sealey will be there attending We Gatherin’ celebrations in St Thomas.

The well-attended meeting was arranged with Sealey and the Global Team of the GBCC, headed by Jayne Hume.

Following an introduction by Janie Frampton, president of Global Birmingham Greater Chamber of Commerce, (GBGCC), Holder set his remarks against the flux in world

affairs, stressing Barbados’ sound leadership, its stability, adherence to the rule of law, its climate of certainty for investors and its reputation as a favoured place in which to invest, work and live.

He gave an overview of Barbados’ economic performance, stressing its resurgence since the COVID-19 pandemic, noted the tax regime and detailed current projects as well as opportunities for business across the board.

Sealey spoke about Barbados’ leadership position in the region and globally, its position as a base for expansion in the region, the Barbados pathway to citizenship and the Welcome Stamp programme.

The chamber was also treated to a power point presentation and video from Invest Barbados as well as a video from Export Barbados. (PR)